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Edward Smith

Voice Type


Home Town

Kirikiriroa Hamilton

How did you become interested in opera singing?

I was taking lessons from Ian Campbell in highschool and he introduced me to classical repertoire. I had a love for singing that evolved into a love for opera when I went to university in Wellington. I began devouring opera’s on the 'Met On Demand' site during my first year and experienced my first real life opera with Wellington Opera’s La Traviata. I found being surrounded by like-minded people

who strive for better each day was what drew me to Opera the most.

Becoming friends with people who inspire you by their excellence can be a rare thing in people’s lives. For performers, though, it’s a reality fundamental to their art forms.

Performance highlights so far?

  • Chorus in La Traviata with Wellington Opera

  • Chorus in Le Comte Ory with NZ Opera

  • Mozart Requiem with City Choir Dunedin (bass soloist)

  • Mozart Coronation Mass with Nelson Civic Choir (bass soloist)

  • St. John Passion with Kapiti Choral (bass soloist)

  • Haydn’s The Creation with Edgecumbe Choir (bass soloist)


Rhiannon Cooper.JPG

Photo © Richard Wood

What are you looking forward to about being part of TANZOS?

I’m looking forward to being pushed by my peers. I know, already, that we have a friendly and encouraging cohort. Everyone involved shares a common goal or expression and I can’t wait to get underway. I also look forward to the world-class coaching opportunities that the TANZOS programme offers its students.

What are your career hopes following TANZOS?

Following TANZOS I aim to enter a young artists programme or to complete an Artist Diploma in either the United States or London. Career-wise, my dream is to sing for a living. The path to this goal is one I can only discover as I progress. Roughly, I’d like to have a permanent contract with an Opera
house in Europe where, from there, I can move into freelance singing.



Edward Smith is a bass-baritone from the Waikato and has just finished his honours under Kristin Darragh. He studied under Wade Kernot for his undergraduate studies in Wellington and has since

returned home to Hamilton. In January of 2024, Edward attended the New Zealand Opera School where he honed his skills for the two weeks surrounded by peers. Since then, he has performed with the NZ Opera Chorus in Le comte Ory and as the Bass Soloist in Haydn’s Creation. Of his performance in the latter, one reviewer wrote “bass soloist Edward Smith sang his recitatives and arias full of conviction.

His beautiful and rich voice points to a very exciting career and a promising future ahead.” Edward looks forward to performing more in the future and is excited to be attending the NZ Opera School again in summer 2025, before starting as a 2025 Te Pae Kõkako TANZOS Artist supported by Freemasons Foundation.

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